Friday, April 5, 2013

Kobe Bryant Defends 'Magic Johnson' Gay Son Despite His Past Anti-Gay Slur + Magic on Giving EJ 'The Talk

Kobe Bryant Defends 'Magic Johnson' Gay Son Despite His Past Anti-Gay Slur + Magic on Giving EJ 'The Talk' -- Magic Johnson son EJ Johnson chatted briefly with a TMZ videographer as he walked, saying he was looking forward to his father’s latest project, the remodeled Dodger Stadium. “It’ll look new and amazing,” he said. As for his father’s former team, the Lakers, he said, “They have a lot of work to do as far as I’ve heard .… I always root for my Lakers.”

When TMZ asked Magic Johnson for a comment, Johnson said, “Cookie and I love EJ and support him in every way. We’re very proud of him.”

Laker star Kobe Bryant’s response, however, may have a greater influence on professional sports, which has no openly gay players in any of the major male team sports: "Of course Magic is supportive of and loves his son,” he told TMZ. “Why should anyone be surprised? What I can’t tolerate is a lack of tolerance.”
Just two years ago, Bryant was fined $100,000 for screaming
an anti-gay slur at a referee during a game.

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