Friday, April 5, 2013

SHOCKING!!!....Minister 'Louis Farrakhan' Urges President Obama To Release ALL Government Files Related To The Assassination of Malcolm X!

Shocking!!!....Minister 'Louis Farrakhan' Urges President Obama To Release ALL Government Files Related To The Assassination of Malcolm X!! -- Recent media events have continued a process of slander against the good name and reputation of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The mass media have tried to implicate Minister Farrakhan in the assassination of Malcolm X, falsely and maliciously reporting that he was directly involved in the murder of the slain black leader.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the direction of J. Edgar Hoover, worked night and day to help create the atmosphere that allowed Malcolm X to be assassinated.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation's illegal and unconstitutional Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) interfered with and disrupted the lawful rights of nearly every Black organization and its leadership.

The U.S. government has never denied its role in the murder of Black leaders. The U.S. government has volumes of documents, photographs, films, audio files, and other relevant material about these activities hidden away from public view.

The FBI, CIA, and other government agencies conducted this spy campaign against American citizens using taxpayer money. Therefore, we the people petition the Obama Administration to make available to the public ALL government files related to the assassination of Malcolm X.
We petition the Obama Administration to make available to the public all government files (unredacted) related to the assassination of Malcolm X.
Obama's email:
Holder's email: -- Petition Here

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